Dedicated to the memory of Ron

This site is a tribute to Ron. Husband, Father, Grandfather and Friend to many. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

We are raising money in Dad's name for the Rheumatology Department at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.  They cared for him so well for the last 5 years, he always said he felt he was treated like royalty!

Dad was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 33 and unfortunately for him, this meant a lifetime of constant pain - although you wouldn't know it, as he was always so positive.  The hospital are raising funds for an ultrasound probe to use in their Early Inflammatory Arthritis Clinic, which will aid early detection and latest research shows that early treatment prevents joint damage and increases the likelihood for complete remission. We have been told of a 42 year old with aggressive rheumatoid arthritis - just like Dad's - who because of early diagnosis is now in remission after 3 months of treatment.  How amazing if others can be helped through Dad raising awareness and funds.

The Department have also set up a joint clinic with Respiratory to help support patients like Dad, who have co-existent inflammatory arthritis and lung disease.  A real positive step forward.

Thanks so much.



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Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity
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